How Kids can do Social Justice – Part 4

When it comes to making a positive difference in the world, sometimes young people say ‘What can I do – I’m just a kid!’ The answer to that is LOTS! Kids from all around the world have made a difference to the other people’s lives and continue to do so right now. So don’t thinkContinue reading “How Kids can do Social Justice – Part 4”

How Kids can do Social Justice – Part 3

When it comes to making a positive difference in the world, sometimes young people say ‘What can I do – I’m just a kid!’ The answer to that is LOTS! Kids from all around the world have made a difference to the other people’s lives and continue to do so right now. So don’t thinkContinue reading “How Kids can do Social Justice – Part 3”

How Kids can do Social Justice – Part 2

When it comes to making a positive difference in the world, sometimes young people say ‘What can I do – I’m just a kid!’ The answer to that is LOTS! Kids from all around the world have made a difference to the other people’s lives and continue to do so right now. So don’t thinkContinue reading “How Kids can do Social Justice – Part 2”

How Kids can do Social Justice – Part 1

When it comes to making a positive difference in the world, sometimes young people say ‘What can I do – I’m just a kid!’ The answer to that is LOTS! Kids from all around the world have made a difference to other people’s lives and continue to do so right now. So don’t think justContinue reading “How Kids can do Social Justice – Part 1”

War & Peace – Why We Care

When we tune in to the news, sometimes it can feel like war is everywhere and there is nothing we can do about it. We live in a broken world where we experience and contribute to conflict on a daily basis. While military conflict may not directly affect your life, on a smaller scale thereContinue reading “War & Peace – Why We Care”

Politics – Why We Care

“Social Justice necessarily involves politics because it takes place in a polis – in organised groups of people attempting to live together. Even when Christians agree on the end of biblical justice that protects the vulnerable and allows for shalom, there is still the question of how that end is best achieved” (Ken Wytsma). ThoseContinue reading “Politics – Why We Care”

The Environment – Why We Care

The Salvation Army believes people are made in the image of God and have been entrusted with the care of the Earth and everything in it. The Salvation Army recognises environmental degradation as one of the most pressing issues facing the world today with its effects felt disproportionately by the most vulnerable communities, particularly inContinue reading “The Environment – Why We Care”

Prayers for Justice

Prayer for Justice God, you have given all peoples on common origin. It is your will that they be gathered together as one family in yourself. Fill the hearts of humankind with the fire of your love and with the desire to ensure justice for all. By sharing the good things you give us, mayContinue reading “Prayers for Justice”

Justice Themed Song List

Social Justice Songs Below are some great songs to consider if you are organising a justice-themed worship service. We are constantly updating this list  so if you know of a great one we’ve missed, let us know at or comment below! Amazing Grace (My Chains are Gone) – Chris Tomlin As it is in HeavenContinue reading “Justice Themed Song List”

Jesus & Justice

  Jesus and Justice is fantastic book-length study that has been developed by The International Social Justice Commission. When we look at the life of Jesus, we find a person whose sole purpose was to bring those around Him closer to His heavenly Father. In looking to His example, we see a life which was whollyContinue reading “Jesus & Justice”

Principles of Justice

Jesus and Justice When we look at the life of Jesus, we find a person whose sole purpose was to bring those around Him closer to His heavenly Father. In looking to His example, we see a life which was wholly committed to bringing the Kingdom of God to earth. In reflecting on His exampleContinue reading “Principles of Justice”

What is Social Justice?

We are regularly asked the question – “what exactly is social justice?” This is a difficult question to answer, as the term “social justice” evokes a variety of responses which differ from person to person. We believe that it is impossible and somewhat unwise to pin down a single definition, as to do so wouldContinue reading “What is Social Justice?”

The Kingdom of God on Earth

The Kingdom of God on Earth by Casey O’Brien Machado The beautiful thing about being an advocate for Social Justice is that while our focus is on this world, our hope is in another. The bringing about of Social Justice is “The Kingdom of God on earth”. When we pray the Lord’s prayer, we ask “ThyContinue reading “The Kingdom of God on Earth”

Social Justice – Not an optional extra

Social Justice: Not an optional extra by Casey O’Brien Machado Recently, at a multi-denominational meeting, I introduced myself to a fellow attendee. Upon explaining my role to him, he responded “Oh, you’re a Social Justice person. I suppose that’s a given – you do belong to The Salvation Army. I am more of a Bible-typeContinue reading “Social Justice – Not an optional extra”